Information to be provided pursuant to Section 5 of the German TMG:


Supplier within the meaning of TDG:

Masche Kleinschmidt Rechtsanwälte
Herr Rechtsanwalt Klasen Kleinschmidt
Kaiserdamm 20
D-14057 Berlin

fon: +49/30/85 99 66 -0
fax: +49/30/85 99 66 -16
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



In Germany, the profession of lawyer is governed by the regulations of the Rules and Regulations for the German Bar ("BRAO"), the Professional Regulations ("BORA"), and the German Federal Attorney's Fees Act ("RVG"). For these and other laws and regulations please see the internet page of the German Federal Bar



Supervisory body for lawyers based in Berlin: Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin (Berlin Bar Association/Council), Littenstraße 9, D-10179 Berlin,

The official title "Rechtsanwalt" (both lawyers) has been assigned in Germany.


Responsible editor:

Klasen Kleinschmidt, Kaiserdamm 20, D-14057 Berlin



Despite careful checking, we cannot assume any liability for the contents of external links, for which their operators shall be solely responsible.


Image copyright:

"Justitia" as content-background- © Max Diesel -